Short story & Novelette

Here you will find all of Ronil Caine’s short stories and novelettes. Some of them are ad will be available for free to read or download. Caine mainly writes scifi short story and mystery thriller, but there will be soon some short scary stories as well.

Scifi thriller horror and action – mixed well

If you like stories about mysteries, aliens, time travel, space travel, monsters, artificial intelligence, androids, virtual reality, augmented reality, biotechnology, nanotechnology, cloning, Internet of Things, cutting edge gadgets and robots, you must follow the work of Ronil Caine. That’s what his writings are always about, and every end game is different from what you read before from other story writers, even if the main idea seems to be familiar in the begining. Don’t judge too soon.

Characters are like everyday people you see around. They get into trouble or get involved somehow, and usually pushed to thier both mental and physical limits.

Coin – mystery thriller short story


Even luck has its price

Mr. Franklin's secret – Free sci-fi short story

Mr. Franklin’s Secret

Dying man tell no lies they say…

Never miss a good reading

Every new short story will be posted to Facebook and Twitter. Follow Ronil Caine and reach out for new writings. More coming soon.

All rights reserved. All downloadable material is under copyright. You can share the link to the download page, but you are not able to upload a short story or novelette to a different website and make the download possible.