COIN – Mystery thriller short story

Coin - free mystical thriller short story

Ronil Caine’s first mystery thriller short story will take you on a mystical journey. The pace gets faster after each page to the unforeseen end.

Everything has its price. Even luck.

„The important thing now, however, was to get to Lima, possibly without ruining every city on the way.” – Coin

Luis, a Mexican financial adviser finds a very rare coin on the street, and from that moment his life goes to a whole different direction. Luck finds him, but along comes a dark secret with nasty consequences.

His adventures takes him deep into the jungles of Peru, and puts him to his very limits. But Luis seems ready for whatever to protect his family againts his new lucky series.

How far would you go to not be the luckiest person in the world?

If you know somebody who loves mystery thriller stories, share this page to them. A good read for a night for only $0.99 USD.

The Hungarian version was downloaded 8000+ times and counting.

Genre: mystery, thriller, adventure

Language: English

Lenght: 17000 words (Novelette)

Pages: 57

Available on Amazon. Click here!

Not sure? See what inspires Ronil Caine here, or test him with a free downloadable short story here.

Ronil Caine's debut novel

Ronil Caine's debut novel


Ronil Caine’s first scifi thriller book takes place in Japan, where a wealthy businessman meets a shady manager, who offers him something he cannot get anywhere else in the world, no matter how rich he is. Click here to learn more.

A mystery scifi short story

A mystery scifi short story

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One evening a wealthy farm owner calls his manager to himself and tells him the greatest secret of his life. He really wanted to know the truth, but when it comes to the light, it’s nothing like he expected.

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